Senior Power

For all my greatly appreciated fellow bloggers (who decided to follow me for reasons I myself do question)… this beautiful, bright, and highly intelligent young women (on my right) is my twin sister; whom I love beyond my intense passion for watermelon. Yesterday, 9/9/15, was our LAST first day of High School. Incredible right? Wrong! As seniors of high school we’re the top dogs, which means role models! People whom the smelly and certainly disgusting freshman look up to – and now here I am at the top of the food chain, not stoked. Where did the days go where my twin Jess and I had red stained Spaghetti O fights in our white high chairs? Where we wrapped one another tightly in blankets, laughing at how similar we looked to a burrito. Where we’d build forts with 3 simple materials: blankets, sheets, and chairs – and how we perceived  them as skyscrapers; a dream we accomplished through team-work, determination, and collaboration.

Where has our innocence gone? Why does the brevity of human life deteriorate as one grows older? I thought growing older meant time; meant an open door to countless amounts of opportunities,

waiting to be discovered, but no. That’s never the case now is it?

As we grow older, our only desire is to be young again. To live a life free of bills, groceriers, and or ridiculous side payments. To live a life full of sneaking into the cookie jar at 2am, laughing with your best friends under the fort you all created, or sliding down the kitchen tile in your comfy cozy fuzzy socks…. that’s the life we only miss when time escapes from human reach.

So you would forgive me if you didn’t unerstand otherwise; because being a Senior is nothing to celebrate. However, living in the moment is.

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